Guess the Flag is an interactive quiz app that challenges users to test their knowledge of world flags. The game presents users with a series of flag images and asks them to identify the country corresponding to each flag. Players can see their score and receive feedback on whether they guessed correctly or not. With engaging UI design, dynamic gameplay, and a simple yet addictive concept, this app is perfect for anyone looking to challenge their knowledge of world geography.
App Credit: Paul Hudson
Key Features:
Flag Identification Game
The core gameplay of Guess the Flag involves presenting users with three randomly shuffled flags, with one of them being the correct answer. The user has to tap the flag corresponding to the country name shown at the top. Correct answers earn points, while incorrect answers show the name of the country that was tapped.Score Tracking
The app keeps track of the user's score throughout the game. Each correct guess earns the user 10 points. The score is displayed at the top of the screen, and after each question, users are notified of their performance, with a "You got it!" or "Wrong!" message.Progressive Gameplay
The game is structured in a way that challenges the user with 8 questions per game. The questions are shuffled each time, providing a different combination of flags. After each round, users can either continue to the next question or finish the game and reset their progress.Custom UI Design
The app features a sleek design with a radial gradient background, adding a visually appealing layer to the gameplay. Buttons are designed with custom flags representing the country names, giving the app an immersive and visually engaging interface. The app also features a custom flag button with a shadow effect for an interactive experience.Feedback and Alerts
After every tap, the user receives immediate feedback through a popup alert, letting them know if they answered correctly or not. At the end of the game, an alert appears with the final score and an option to reset the game or finish.
Technical Highlights:
Dynamic Question Generation
The app uses randomization to shuffle the list of countries and select a correct flag. This ensures each game session is unique, offering a fresh challenge every time the user plays.User Interface with SwiftUI
The app is built using SwiftUI, providing a declarative approach to building the user interface. The use of VStacks and ForEach ensures that each flag button is presented dynamically and can be easily customized.Alerts for User Feedback
Alerts are used to provide feedback to the user after every guess. The alert system handles the game's progress, prompting the user to either move to the next question or reset the game once all the questions have been answered.Image Handling
Flag images are managed using theImage
view in SwiftUI, where each flag is loaded dynamically based on the country name. The FlagImage view customizes the display of flags with a capsule shape and a shadow for a polished appearance.
SwiftUI for UI components, layout, and state management
Image view for dynamic flag image handling
Randomization for dynamic question generation
Alerts for immediate user feedback
Radial gradient for background design
Custom buttons with flag icons and shadow effects
ForEach for dynamic flag button presentation
State management with @State and @Binding for interactive gameplay
SwiftUI animations for smooth, engaging interactions