Moonshot App is a deep dive into space exploration data, specifically focusing on astronauts and their missions. Leveraged data was stored in JSON files to build a detailed and interactive app that provides insights into astronauts' careers and the missions they served on.

App Credit: Paul Hudson

Key Features:

  1. Data Parsing with Codable & Identifiable
    Using Swift's Codable and Identifiable protocols, I efficiently deconstructed large sets of JSON data, which included detailed information about astronauts and missions. This allowed me to easily map data from the raw JSON files into model objects and make the data easily accessible for UI rendering.

  2. Interactive Detail Views for Astronauts and Missions
    The app offers a seamless user experience with detail views for each astronaut and mission. By tapping on an astronaut, users are shown their personal details and the missions they participated in, while the Mission Detail View highlights key mission data (e.g., launch date, mission type) and displays which astronauts were involved.

  3. Mission Highlights and Astronaut Associations
    A central feature of the app is how it links astronauts to the missions they served on. In the Mission Detail view, I display a list of astronauts who served on that mission, giving users context for each mission's crew. This also demonstrates the importance of the teamwork involved in each space mission.

Technical Highlights:

  • SwiftUI: The app uses SwiftUI for its dynamic and declarative interface, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience across devices.

  • Codable: The Codable protocol is used to decode JSON data into custom structs (Astronaut, Mission) for easier handling and display within the app.

  • Identifiable: Leveraged Identifiable to ensure that each astronaut and mission could be uniquely identified and efficiently displayed within SwiftUI lists.

  • Data Binding: Data is bound to the UI in real time, allowing updates to mission or astronaut data to reflect immediately in the app's views.


  • Swift (with Codable & Identifiable)

  • SwiftUI

  • JSON Parsing

  • List Views for Astronaut and Mission display


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